Covid-19 and the impact on BIPOC Youth

Covid-19 and the impact on BIPOC Youth

Why focus on youth socio-emotional impact? Socio-emotional impact is important for young people’s  development and has been shown to further influence an individual’s achievement and outcomes. Did you know that: One in 4 young adults have struggled with suicidal...
Mental health and stigma

Mental health and stigma

Mental illness is a significant public health crisis that disproportionately impacts BIPoC communities due to structural racism. As part of the CHBC Mental Health System and Policy Work, we are creating a series of roundtable discussions with community members,...
CHBC Healing Session

CHBC Healing Session

Zoom ID: 818 6833 8277Thursday, December 17th, 20206 PM to 8 PM “To know your history is to know you are sacred and stand on the shoulders of a resilient people. Your past does not have to be your narrative, it is your tool for healing.” Leanne Ryebrock is...